Fine Art Prints

Really Large Fine Art Reproduction, Wall Murals, Digital Photos, Exhibits, Lobby Art & Info Displays, etc., etc.

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Prints made with ColorSpan U-V colorfast dye inks on our Series XII or DesignWinder printers represent a totally new level of image quality and longevity in digital printing. Photorealistic images can be printed on photobase paper, polyester film, calendered vinyl, artist canvas or watercolor paper. Until recently, this combination of quality and longevity has been available only with high-cost traditional photographic printing.

These printers are differentiated from other large-format printers by their high precision print heads and apparent 1200dpi resolution. They offer a wider color gamut, achieved by adding Orange, Green, or light- and medium-density formulations of cyan and magenta ColorSpan® inks to the typical four-color (CMYK) process inks. Along with the precise micro-dot placement on the substrate, this produces more vibrant hues and subtle gradations previously unavailable from large-format inkjet printers. The dots reproduce minute highlight and shadow details, subtle tints and blends while retaining deep, saturated colors. Results from accelerated aging tests indicate that a print exposed to normal indoor light will lose less than 10 percent of its original color density over 30 years.

High Resolution Large Format Color Prints Information

Our large format printers use the latest ink-jet technology and stochastic imaging to produce high resolution full color photo-realistic art up to 60 inches by 120 inches from digital scans. Crisp, sharp type can be added, as well as monochrome or multi-color line art. NOTE: Bleeds require next larger page size; maximum image width is 59-1/2 inches.

Most PC and Macintosh graphic programs are supported at E&D, as well as some CAD and GIS document files or you may make a PostScript print file on your transportable media. (Note: reduced-size proofs are recommended prior to full-size output.)

These printers use roll stock and all materials are white matte or glossy finish, except the film, which is clear or translucent white.

Normal turnaround for a single poster job from your print-ready file is 24 hours; multiple originals and / or large multiple-print orders take longer. Jobs requiring laminating and/or mounting have a 48-hour turnaround. Posters or displays you wish us to modify or add type to, or jobs requiring scanning, retouching, etc. also require extra time.

How to prep your file